23.1.2025 - ataz at 82nd Vienna Philharmonic Ball
On the occasion of the 82th Ball of the Viennese Philharmonic Orchestra, ataz participated at this iconic ball together with H.E. Ambassador Rovshan Sadigbayli and the ataz board members Silvia Gründberger, Barbara Kolm, Gabriel Lansky, Leopold Berthold and some other prominent guests.
23.1.2025 - ataz General Assembly - President Gerald Gerstbauer re-elected
The annual General Assembly of ataz took place on January 23rd, 2025 at the Park Hyatt Hotel Vienna. President Gerald Gerstbauer presented last year's activities of ataz together with Secretary General Dorothea Gros and discussed the plans for 2025 with the chamber's members. Gerald Gerstbauer was re-elected as President of ataz for another term of three years together with the ataz board members Wolfgang Hesoun (Vice President), Günter Dörflinger, Silvia Grünberger, Barbara Kolm, Harald Krieger, Gabriel Lansky and treasurer Benedikt Reithofer.
ataz is looking forward to a fruitful and eventful year 2025.
25.6.2024 - ataz Board Room Talk with H.E. Ozan Ceyhun
The Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye, H.E.Ozan Ceyhun, was the latest guest of our ataz Board Room Talk held on June 25h, 2024. The Ambassador held a speach about the latest developments in the economic and political relations between Turkey, Azerbaijan and Austria. A selected round of guests met at Park Hyatt Hotel in Vienna and discussed possible cooperation opportunities between Austria, Turkey and Azerbaijan. ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer hosted the Board Room Talk and moderated the discussion round.
4.6.2024 - ataz Board Room Talk with H.E. Rovshan Sadigbayli and Mr. Rovshan Rustamov, GD of Azerbaijan Railways
At our ataz Board Room Talk held on June 4th, 2024, Mr. Rovshan Rustamov, General Director of Azerbaijan Railways, held a speach about the latest developments and activities of Azerbaijan Railways as well as cooperation possibilities with the Austrian Rail Cargo. A selected round of guests met at the Do&co Hotel Vienna and discussed possible cooperation opportunities between Austria and Azerbaijan. ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer hosted the Board Room Talk and moderated the discussion round.
24.5.2024 - Business and Investment Opportunities in Azerbaijan - Conference
The Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Austria in partnership with the Trade Representative of Azerbaijan in Central Europe and the Austrian Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce organised a conference on the topic of Business and Investment Opportunities in Azerbaijan in the beautiful halls of the Industriellenvereinigung in Vienna.
H.E. Mr. Rosvhan Sadigbayli, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Austria as well as Mr. Gerald Gerstbauer, President of Austrian Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce, held opening remarks, followed by a presentation of the investment environment in Azerbaijan by Mr. Nemat Naghdaliyev, Trade Envoy of Azerbaijan to
Central European countries, Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan and a presentation on industrial parks and Alat Free Economic Zone by Mr. Mirza Aliyev, Advisor to the Trade Envoy of Azerbaijan to Central European countries, Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan. Mr. Mirza Babayev, Chief Advisor to the Trade Envoy of Azerbaijan to Central European countries, Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan, presented investment opportunities in the Garabagh region of Azerbaijan and Mr. Kubilay Karahan presented LIEBHERRs activities in Azerbaijan.
The guests were invited to a lunch buffet which gave opportunity to further discussions and networking.
1.2.2024 - ataz Board Room Talk with H.E. Rovshan Sadigbayli and Mr. Orkhan Mammadov
At our latest ataz Board Room Talk, Mr. Orkhan Mammadov, Chairman of the Management Board of KOBIA, the Small and Medium Business Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, held a keynote speach on the topic of "Support and Incentives for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Azerbaijan and Cooperation Opportunities with Austria". The Board Room Talk was held on Febuary 1st, 2024.A selected round of guests met at the Park Hyatt Hotel Vienna and discussed possible cooperation opportunities between Austria and Azerbaijan. ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer hosted the Board Room Talk and moderated the discussion round.
Amongst the attendants were H.E. Rovshan Sadigbayli, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Austria, Mr. Rufat Atakishiyev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency, Mr. Andreas Königsberger, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Austria & CEO of Titanen GmbH, Mr. Javid Gurbanov, Deputy Minister of Digital Development and Transport, Mr. Orkhan Ismayilov, Legal Consultant and Country Manager Azerbaijan at Lansky, Ganzger, Goeth + partner, Amir Shirinbayli, Deputy Head of the Secretariat, Ms. Dorothea Gros, Secretary General of ataz and Country Sales Manager at B.Braun.
Photo Credit: Mahir Rustamov
22.12.2023 - ataz General Assembly in New ataz Office
The annual General Assembly of ataz took place on December 22st, 2023 at the new office of ataz, followed by a lunch at the Park Hyatt Hotel Vienna. President Gerald Gerstbauer presented the past activities of ataz and discussed the plans for 2024 with the Chamber's members. ataz is looking forward to a fruitful and eventful year 2024.
ataz thanks all its members and friends for their support and wishes a successful, heathly and happy New Year 2024.
19.1.2023 - ataz at 80th Vienna Philharmonic Ball
On the occasion of the 80th Ball of the Viennese Philharmonic Orchestra, a small delegation from Aserbaidschan was invited to join the iconic event: Vice-Minister for Digitalisation and Transport Javid Gurbanov, together with his wife Layla Gasimova, Director of the Azerbaijani Cultural Centre in Vienna, attended the ball. The Second President of the Austrian National Council, Doris Bures, greated the delegation.
Amongst the guests: Gerald Ganzger (Lansky, Ganzger, Goeth, Frankl & partner), Helga Bandion (Office of the Chancellor), Astrid and Leopold Berthold (Liebherr), Actress Kristina Sprenger, Gerald Gerstbauer (President of ataz), Alexander Schierhuber (Superfund), Darina Leuer (Superfund), Ronak Soleimanibabakamali (Coop Himmelb(l)au), Dorothea Gros (Secretary General of ataz), Daniel Gros (Grimex Consult), Orkhan Ismayilov (Lansky, Ganzger, Goeth, Frankl + partner).
Many thanks go to the generous sponsors of the evening: Superfund and Lansky, Ganzger, Goeth, Frankl + partner.
21.12.2022 - ataz General Assembly: Numerous Activities planned for 2023
The annual General Assembly of ataz took place on December 21st, 2022 at the Park Hyatt Hotel Vienna. President Gerald Gerstbauer presented the past activities of ataz and discussed the plans for 2023 with the Chamber's members. ataz is looking forward to a fruitful and eventful year 2023.
ataz thanks all its members and friends for their support and wishes a successful, heathly and happy New Year 2023.
12.9.2022 - ataz Board Room Talk with Geneticist Prof. Markus Hengstschläger
Prof. Markus Hengstschläger held an inspiring keynote speach focussing on the latest developments in genetic research and the implications on human evolution at our ataz Boardroom Talk on September 12th, 2022.A selected round of guests met at the Park Hyatt Hotel Vienna and discussed a possible research exchange between Austria and Azerbaijan. ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer hosted the Board Room Talk and moderated the discussion round.
Amongst the attendants were H.E. Rovshan Sadigbayli, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Austria, Layla Gasimova (Azerbaijani Cultural Centre), Harald Krieger (Coop Himmelb(l)au), Gerd Pollhammer (Siemens Austria AG), Orkhan Ismayilov (Lansky, Ganzger + partner), Julija Vrabl (Wellcon), Christian Horner and Dorothea Gros (B. Braun).
13.6.2022 - ataz Board Room Talk with Former Minister Elisabeth Köstinger
Elisabeth Köstinger, former Minister of the Republic of Austria, was the keynote speaker of the latest ataz Boardroom Talk which took place on June 13th, 2022. A selected round of guests met at the Park Hyatt Hotel Vienna and discussed the latest developments in Europe and the Caucasus, especially with regards to the supply of energy. ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer hosted the Board Room Talk and moderated the discussion round.
Amongst the attendants were Prof.Markus Hengstschläger (MedUni Vienna), Tillmann Fuchs (Vienna Airport), Gerd Pollhammer (Siemens Austria AG) Alexander Schierhuber (Austrian Railways), Herbert Scheibner (Scheibner Business Development), Werner Neuwirth-Riedl, Orkhan Ismayilov (Lansky, Ganzger + partner), Dorothea Gros (atos IT Services and Solutions).
23.5.2022 - Concert on the Occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan
H.E. Ambassador Rovshan Sadigbayli together with the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijani Cultural Centre invited to a classical music concert and reception on the occasion of Independence Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 23.05.2022 at 18:00 at Palais Liechtenstein. Karlheinz Kopf, Secretary General of WKÖ and Gerald Gerstbauer, president of ataz, attended the beautiful celebrations.
Congratulations to the Republic of Azerbaijan!
05.05.2022 - ataz Honoary Council Meeting at Hotel Interalpen Tyrol
This year's ataz Honorary Council Meeting took place on May 5th, 2022 at the renowned Hotel Interalpen Tyrol, owned by our dear ataz Member Liebherr. The meeting had a strong focus on the cooperation between Azerbaijan Railways and Austrian Railways and included the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding between Rail Cargo Austria, represented by GD Gottfried Eymer and ADY Container, represented by GD Natig Jafarov. Another highlight of the event was the appointment of H.E. Rovshan Sadigbayli, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Austria, as new member of the ataz Honorary Council.
The participants were given a tour of the impressive Liebherr Werk Telfs by its GD Martin Längle and had the opportunity to view the different construction steps of Liebherr's excavators and other vehicles and products.
Amongst the participants were: H.E. Rovshan Sadigbayli (Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Austria), Javid Gurbanov (CEO of Azerbaijan Railways), Dr. Layla Gasimova (Director of the Azerbaijan Cultrue Centre), Gottfried Eymer (CEO Austrian Rail Cargo), Natig Jafarov (CEO ADY Container), Leopold Berthold (CEO of Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH), Martin Längle (CEO of the Liebherr Werk Telfs), Dorothea Gros (COO Atos IT Solutions), Alexander Schierhuber (CEO Breitspur Planungsgesellschaft), Orkhan Ismayilov (Lansky, Ganzger + partner) and Dr. Gerald Eder (CEO Hydrophil).
21.12.2021 - ataz General Assembly: Gerald Gerstbauer re-elected as President
The annual General Assembly of ataz took place on December 21st, 2021 at the Park Hyatt Hotel Vienna.
Gerald Gerstbauer was once more elected as ataz President. All members of the Board of ataz were re-elected; Dorothea Gros remains Secretary General.
ataz thanks all its members and friends for their support and wishes a successful, heathly and happy New Year 2022.
19.11.2021 - ataz Board Room Talk welcoming H.E. Mr. Rovshan Sadigbayli, New Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Austria
On November 19th, 2021, ataz welcomed H.E. Mr. Rovshan Sadigbayli as new Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan during an ataz Board Room Talk. The event took place at a private room in the Park Hyatt Hotel in Vienna. Mr. Gerald Gerstbauer, ataz President, congratulated the Ambassador in a warm welcoming speech.
Amongst the participants were Mr. Martin Engelberg, Member of the Austrian Parliament, Mrs. Barbara Kolm, VP of the Austrian National Bank, Gabriel Lansky, Lansky, Ganzger + partner, Mr. Leopold Berthold, Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH, Martin Längle, Liebherr-Werk Telfs GmbH, Mr. Thomas Kargl, ÖBB Rail Cargo Group, Mr. Michael Gerbavsits, Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland and Mr. Orkhan Ismayilov, Lansky, Ganzger + partner.
15.9.2021 - ataz congratulates H.E. Mr. Rovshan Sadigbayli as New Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Austria

ataz welcomes H.E. Mr. Rovshan Sadigbayli as new Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Austria; he is also the Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the International Organizations in Vienna.
We are wishing him success in all his endeavours.
27.7.2021 - ataz Board Room Talk
After a long break of face-to-face events due to Covid-19, ataz was very happy to be able to host a Boardroom Talk for its members on July 27th, 2021. The Boardroom Talk was led by ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer who also moderated a subsequent discussion round, followed by a lunch at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Vienna.
19.4.2021 - ataz Online Business Talk with H.E. Ambassador Galib Israfilov and MEP Martin Engelberg
The Austrian Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the Azerbaijani Embassy in Austria held an Online Business Talk on April 19th, 2021 on the topic "Economic Relations between Austria and Azerbaijan: Challenges and Opportunities“. Gerald Gerstbauer, president of the Austrian-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce, welcomed the participants, followed by a discussion between H.E. Galib Israfilov, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Austria, Martin Engelberg, Member of the Austrian Parliament and Gabriel Lansky, Managing Partner at Lansky, Ganzger + partner Attorneys at Law.The ataz Online Business Talk was moderated by Dorothea Gros, Secretary General of ataz.
9.12.2020 - ataz Online Business Breakfast with H.E. Ambassador Galib Israfilov
On December 9th, 2020, ataz, the Austrian Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the Azerbaijani Embassy in Austria and azpromo, held an Online Business Breakfast. After a long tradition of Business Breakfasts which always took place face-to-face, this was the first time that a Business Breakfast of ataz was performed online. "The Year 2020 and its Effects on the Azerbaijani Economy as well as New Prospects for Austrian-Azerbaijani Bilateral Relations“ was the topic of the Business Breakfast.
Mr. Gerald Gerstbauer, president of the Austrian-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce, started with welcoming words, then H.E. Ambassador Galib Israfilov held a keynote speech, followed by a presentation about investment opportunities in Azerbaijan by Zohrab Gadirov, Head of Investment Promotion at azpromo. The Online Business Breakfast was moderated by Dorothea Gros, Secretary General of ataz.
23.6.2020 - ataz Board Room Lunch
On June 23rd, 2020, ataz was happy to be able to host a Boardroom Lunch for its members - after a break of several months due to Covid-19, the members of ataz were happy to see each other in person again. The lunch was opened by a musical act by Saxophone player Yingying Wang and was hosted by ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer who also moderated a subsequent discussion round.
Amongst the attendants were Sophie Karmasin, former Minister of the Republic of Austria, Silvia Grünberger, Rosam.Grünberger Change Communications, Gabriel Lansky, Lansky, Ganzger + partner, Gerd Pollhammer, Siemens AG Austria, Harald Krieger, COOP Himmelb(l)au, R. Peham & Julia Kranister, PKE Electronics, Faradj Akhverdiev, Azerbaijan Railways, Orkhan Ismayilov, Lansky, Ganzger + partner, Wolfgang Markaritzer, TÜV Austria, Dorothea Gros, Atos IT Solutions & Services GmbH.
19.02.2020 - ataz 10th anniversary
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary, the Cultural Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan and ataz invited to a concert of the "Shahriyar Imanov Trio" in the premises of the Cultural Center. The celebration was initiated by opening statements of Leyla Gasimova, Director of the Cultural Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Vienna, Gerald Gerstbauer, President of ataz, H.E. Galib Israfilov, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Austria, and Martin Engelberg, Member of the National Council of Austria.
19.02.2020 - ataz Board Room Talk with Javid Gurbanov, CEO of Azerbaijan Railways
The ataz Board Room Talk held on February 19th, 2020 was opened by keynotes from H.E. Galib Israfilov, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan zu Austria, Javid Gurbanov, CEO of Azerbaijan Railways and Tahir Mirkishili, Member of Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan. ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer hosted the Board Room Talk and moderated the discussion round.
Amongst the attendants were Leopold Berthold, Managing Director of Liebherr, Thomas Kargl, CEO of Rail Cargo Austria, Leyla Gasimova, Director of the Cultural Centre of Azerbaijan, Artur Abdinov, CEO of DIHAG Holding GmbH and many more.
13.11.2019 - Michael Heinritzi Appointed as Honorary Consul of Azerbaijan in Salzburg
We are wishing Mr. Heinritzi all the best in his new position!
18.10.2019 - ataz Honoary Board Wine Tasting and Dinner at Hofmeisterei Hirtzberger, Wachau
This year's ataz Honorary Board Dinner was dedicated to the topic "New Silk Road and Political Developments behind the Scenes" and took place at the Hofmeisterei Hirtzberger (Wachau). The keynote speakers and guests were welcomed by ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer: Dr. Alfred Gusenbauer, former Austrian Chancellor, WKÖ Secretary General Karlheinz Kopf and GD Javid Gurbanov, CEO of Azerbaijan Railways held the keynote speaches. The meeting began with a wine tasting led by Mathias Hirtzberger and was followed by a networking dinner, where both Azerbaijani and Austrian Wines and Spirits were served. Amongst the participants were: GD Thomas Kargl (CEO Austrian Railcargo), Leopold Berthold (CEO of Liebherr), Sophie Karmasin (former Austrian Minister), and actress Kristina Sprenger.
24.7.2019 - ataz Board Room Talk with WKÖ Secretary General Karlheinz Kopf
The latest keynote speaker of the ataz Board Room Talk on July 24th, 2019 was Karlheinz Kopf, Secretary General of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. A selected round of CEO's met at the Park Hyatt Hotel Vienna. ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer hosted the Board Room Talk and moderated the discussion round.
Amongst the attendants were Wolfgang Hesoun, CEO of Siemens Austria AG, Elisabeth Stadler, CEO of Vienna Insurance Group, Horst Leitner, CEO of Hofer KG, Robert Schächter, CEO of the Austrian State Printing House, Stephanie Ernst, CEO of Rainer Gruppe, Leopold Berthold, Managing Director of Liebherr, Silvia Grünberger, Partner at Rosam Grünberger Change Communications, Harald Krieger, Partner at Coop Himmelb(l)au,and more.
25.3.2019 - ataz Board Room Talk with President of the National Council Wolfgang Sobotka
Wolfgang Sobotka, President of the Austrian National Council, was the latest keynote speaker of the ataz Board Room Talk held on March 25th, 2019. A selected round of CEO's met at the Park Hyatt Hotel Vienna and discussed the latest trade and investment developments betwen Austria, Azerbaijan and SEE countries. ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer hosted the Board Room Talk and moderated the discussion round.
Amongst the attendants were Wolfgang Hesoun, CEO of Siemens Austria AG, Andreas Bierwirth, CEO of T-Mobile Austria GmbH, Rob Bekkers, CEO of TÜV Austria Cert GmbH, Harald Krieger, Partner at Coop Himmelb(l)au, Fritz Kaltenegger, CEO of Cafe+Co International Holding GmbH, Hanno Soravia, CEO of Soravia Group, Johann Breiteneder, CEO of BIP Garagen, Benedikt Reithofer, CEO of system7, and more.
17.-19.2.2019 - ataz-Delegation in Baku
From Febuary 17th-19th 2019, ataz organized a high ranking delelgation to Baku. The CEO of Austrian Railways (ÖBB) Andreas Matthä, Thomas Kargl (Managing Director ÖBB), Bettina Gusenbauer (Secretary General ÖBB), Leopold Berthold (Managing Director Liebherr), Silvia Grünberger (Managing Partner at Rosam Grünberger Change Communciations), Gabriel Lansky (Managing Partner at Lansky, Ganzger + partner Attorneys at Law), Cavid Hidayatov (Country Manager, TÜV Austria) and Gerald Gerstbauer (ataz President and SVP at Atos IT Solutions and Services GmbH) were part of the delegation.
The visitors had an extensive programme in Baku: meetings with the CEO of Azerbaijan Railways Javid Gurbanov, with the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Shahin Mustafayev, with the Director-General of the New Port of Baku in Alat, Taleh Ziyadov and many more. The programme was rounded up by beautiful and delicious dinner evenings.
17.12.2018 - ataz General Assembly: Two New Board Members Silvia Grünberger and Barbara Kolm
ataz is looking back at a very successful and eventful year 2018. Thanks a lot to all its members and supporters for the great activities ataz was part of and was able to realize.
Gerald Gerstbauer was once more confirmed as ataz President. Two new Board Members were elected: Silvia Grünberger (Rosam & Grünberger Change Communications) and Barbara Kolm (Friedrich A. v. Hayek Institut, ÖBB-Holding AG, Universität Wien, Österreichische Nationalbank).
Günter Dörflinger (Christof Indurstries), Harald Krieger (COOP HIMMELB(L)AU), Dr. Gabriel Lansky (LGP Rechtsanwälte GmbH) and Gerd Pollhammer (Siemens AG Österreich) remain members of the Board of ataz. Benedikt Reithofer (System 7) was confirmed as Treasurer and Dorothea Gros as Secretary General of ataz.
ataz is also welcoming a new member in 2019: TÜV Austria.
We are looking forward to a fruitful New Year 2019!
15.11.2018 - ataz Business Breakfast: Railways and Digitalization
On November 15th, 2018, the Austrian-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce (ataz) together with system7-rail support invited to the business breakfast on the topic of "Railways & Digitalization" at the law firm LANSKY, GANZGER + partner (LGP). The railway CEO's of Austria and Azerbaijan as well as infrastructure experts from politics and economy met each other for an exchange of ideas about the future of the railway industry and the strengthening of the two "transport hubs" Austria and Azerbaijan. The keynote speaker of the ataz Business Breakfast was Prof. Bernhard Lichtberger, founder and CTO of system7 Railsupport. The event was rounded off by the opening of the new offices of ataz in Vienna: Ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer, Board Member Gabriel Lansky, WKO Vice President Christoph Matznetter and District Chairman Ernst Nevrivy announced the opening of the new ataz office, and gallery owner Anne-Marie Avramut presented exhibits from her latest show, "Sica Art Work".
ÖBB CEO Andreas Matthä and Javid Gurbanov (CEO of the Azerbaijani State Railways) held opening statements. More than 80 guests attended, including Michael Angerer (WKO Eastern Europe / Central Asia), Alexander Andreas Schierhuber (Breitspur Planungsgesellschaft), Rovshan Sadigbayli and Javid Nasirli (both Embassy Republic of Azerbaijan), Hans Jörg Holleis (system7 - metal technology), Gerald Ganzger (LGP), Dorothea Gros (Atos) and many more.
Copyright pictures: Society Magazin
19.10.2018 - ataz Honoary Board: Dinner at Steirereck am Pogusch
Dr. Alfred Gusenbauer, former Austrian Chancellor, was the honorary guest and keynote speaker of the latest meeting of the ataz Honoary Board. The meeting took place at the famous restaurant Wirtshaus am Pogusch (Steirereck) and was followed by a networking dinner. Amongst the participants were: Leopold Berthold (CEO of Liebherr), Günter Dörflinger (CEO of Christof Industries), Sophie Karmasin (former Austrian Minister), Gabriel Lansky (Managing Partner at Lansky, Ganzger + partner).
8.10.2018 - ataz Board Room Talk with MEP Othmar Karas
Othmar Karas, Member of the European Parliament (MEP), was the keynote speaker of the second ataz Board Room Talk which took place on October 8th, 2018. The talk was held again at the prestigious venue of the Park Hyatt Hotel in Vienna and was hosted by ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer. Die Presse Editor-in-chief Rainer Nowak moderated the discussion round.
Amongst the attendants were Wolfgang Anzengruber, CEO of Verbund, Leopold Berthold, CEO of Liebherr, Andreas Matthä, CEO of ÖBB, Michael Gerbavsits, CEO of Energie Burgenland, and more.
Pictures: Copyright Sima Prodinger
4.9.2018 - ataz Board Room Talk with Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvasov
Anna Netrebko and her husband Yusif Eyvasov were the honorary guests of the first ataz Board Room Talk which took place on September 4th, 2018 at an exclusive Board Room at the Viennese Park Hyatt Hotel. The talk was hosted by ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer and moderated by Die Presse Editor-in-chief Rainer Nowak, who welcomed 20 selected guests, CEO's and high ranking officials.
H.E. Galib Israfilov, accompanied by his wife Farah Aslanova greeted the honorary guests; amongst the invitees were Wolfgang Hesoun, CEO of Siemens, Paul Blaguss, CEO of Blaguss Verkehr, Sophie Karmasin, former Austrian Minister, Robert Schächter, CEO of the Austrian State Printing House, and more.
Pictures: Copyright Sima Prodinger and Andreas Tischler
1.6.2018 - ataz congratulates Mr. Karlheinz Kopf, Chairmain of the ataz Honorary Board, to his new position as WKO Secretary General

ataz congratulates Mr. Karlheinz Kopf, Chairmain of the ataz Honorary Board and former second President of the National Council, to his new position as new Secretary General of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce.
Born in Vorarlberg, he was the second President of the National Council, ÖVP club chairman, Secretary General of the Austrian Business Association and he also is an entrepreneur.
We are wishing him success in all his endeavours.
29.05.2018 - 100th anniversary of the People's Republic of Azerbaijan
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the People's Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Ms. Farah Aslanova, and the director of the Azerbaijani Cultural Center Mrs. Leyla Qasimova gave a glamourous reception at the Palais Liechtenstein in Austria. Amongst the special guests were Ms. Anna Netrebko, who received standing ovations for her wounderful singing.
Congratulations to the Republic of Azerbaijan!
15.05.2018 - Andreas Königsberger Appointed as Honorary Consul of Azerbaijan
On December 29, 2017, Mr. Andreas Königsberger, Managing Partner of "Safe Invest", one of the most successful financial service providers in Central and Eastern Europe, was appointed Honorary Consul of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the states of Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Burgenland. The new representative office is located in St. Pölten.
ataz was represented by President Gerald Gerstbauer and Secretary General Dorothea Kipperman at the opening ceremony on May 15th in the new office of the Honorary Consul in St. Pölten. We are wishing Mr. Königsberger all the best in his new position!
8.5.2018-11.5.2018 Leopold Berthold (Liebherr) and ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer attend World Ports Conference in Baku
The main theme of the IAPH Baku 2018 World Ports Conference was “Ports of Future: Building Hubs, Accelerating Connectivity.” The four-day conference focussed on important topics including the emerging transport corridors in the region and around the world, the contribution of the free trade zones to the domestic economy of Azerbaijan and the economy of the neighboring countries, the concept of “SmartPorts”, “Green Ports” as well as marine tourism. The conference agenda also included a technical visit to the new Port of Baku in Alat. Participants got a chance to see „Alat Free Trade Zone“ which is a main part of Azerbaijan’s grand hub vision.
Leopold Berthold, Managing Director of MCCtec Liebherr, and ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer attended this important conference in Baku. They held bilateral meetings with Dr. Taleh Ziyadov, Director-General of the "Baku International Sea Trade Port", Deputy Director General of Guangzhou Port Authority Yuan Yue and Tino Klemm, CFO of Hamburg Port Authority in Baku concerning the New Silk Road and important trade topics between Azerbaijan and Central Europe.
8.3.2018 - ataz Business Breakfast - The Future of Energy in Azerbaijan
In cooperation with Siemens Austria AG, ataz was pleased to invite its members and friends to an interesting Business Breakfast on the topic of "The Future of Azerbaijan". After a warm welcoming speech of Gerald Gerstbauer, President of ataz and SVP at Atos IT Solutions and Services GmbH, Gerd Pollhammer, Head of Division Energy Management in CEE at Siemens AG Österreich held a keynote speech on „The Path to Decarbonization and Digitalization – Trends and Innovations“. Georg Weiher, Martin Schreyer and Davide Trebo gave an overview of the status quo, challenges and perspectives of Azerbaijan's energy sector, including an outlook on Azerbaijan's traditional and sustainable energy production.
Siemens invited the guests to an extensive Breakfast which gave opportunity to further discussions and networking.
1.3.2018 - Austrian-Azerbaijani Joint Commission
On March 1st, 2018, the 9th Austrian-Azerbaijani Joint Commission for Economic, Agricultural, Industrial, Technical and Technological Cooperation was held in Vienna at the Austrian Minsitry for Digitalization and Economy under participation of ataz - the Austrian Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce. More than 20 delegates from Azerbaijan came to Vienna for this important event.
The meeting was co-chaired by Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ramin Guluzade and Deputy Federal Minister for Enterprise Policy of the Republic of Austria Matthias Tschirf.
The meeting discussed the current economic situation, bilateral economic relations, mutual attraction of investments, as well as cooperation in the spheres of digital technologies, including environmental technologies, energy efficiency, agriculture, finance, standardization, youth and other areas.
Austrian companies participating in the meeting showed interest in expanding their activities in Azerbaijan, and it was decided to organize a business forum in May this year in Baku with the participation of private sector representatives from both countries.
Towards the end of the meeting, a protocol on the expansion of cooperation in various areas of the economy was signed.
15.12.2017 - ataz Honorary Board Lunch
Following the ataz Board meeting, ataz was pleased to invite its Honorary Board members to a festive lunch. Minister Sophie Karmasin, Karlheinz Kopf, President of the National Council, Alfred Gusenbauer, former Austrian Chancellor, ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer and many more came together for a beautiful lunch at the Hyatt Hotel in Vienna.
They discussed the great opportunities and challanges with respect to the New Silk Road. Ataz wants to further the development and exchange of potentials regarding the realisation of the New Silk Road.
15.12.2017 ataz Board Meeting - Dorothea Gros (former Kipperman) new Secretary General of ataz and Reinhold Eckhardt Secretary General for the New Silk Road project
On December 12th, 2017, the ataz Board Members met in order to discuss the closing of the year 2017 and the projects for 2018. ataz president Gerald Gerstbauer informed about recent activities and presented the plans for the next year: Dorothea Gros (former Kipperman) will take over the tasks as Secretary General of ataz from January 2018. Furthermore, ataz will have a wider regional focus from 2018 onwards and will support the development of the New Silk Road. To this end, Reinhold Eckhardt was nominated as Secretary Generald for developing the New Silk Road project.
16.7.-18.7.2017 ataz-Delegation visits Baku
During the first Day the delegation visited the Martyrers Lane and showed their respect.
Later that day, the focus layed on official meetings: The delegation was received by Prof. Hidschran Huseynova, President of the National Committee for Families, Women and Children, and Prof. Salim Muslumov, Minister for Social Affairs
ataz took the opportunity to invite a group of ataz members to meet Rafiga Huseyn-Zade, Vice-president of SOCAR, and organized a formal dinner with Intigam Babayev, Vize-Minister for Youth and Sport, and Fuad Muradov.
The last day consisted of official meetings with President S.E. Ilham Aliyev and Prime Minister Arthur Rasi-zada. ataz member Liebherr was invited to visit the Port of Baku with Director Taleh Ziyadov. The short trip was a great opportunity for political, economic, cultural and personal exchanges and was a further step in bringing the two countries even closer together.
26.6.2017 - ataz celebrates Karlheinz Kopf's 60th birthday
On June27th, Karlheinz Kopf, 2nd President of the National Council and Chairman of the ataz Honorary Council, celebrates his 60th birthday with friends and colleagues. Among the well-wishers were ataz President Gerald Gerstbauer, Azerbaijan's Ambassador Galib Israfilov, and many more. President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce Christoph Leitl honored Karlheinz Kopf with the Julius Raab Medal, which is the highest award to be received by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce.
ataz President KommR Gerald Gerstbauer visits the Azerbaijan Pavilion at the Biennale Art 2017
During his stay in Venice Mr Gerstbauer was invited to visit The Azerbaijan Pavilion at the 57th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia.
The Artists Hypnotica and Elvin Nabizade show Azerbajans deep multicultural roots with their installations: Unity, Under One Sun, Traffic, Sphere and Profile.
President Gerstbauer was impressed by the hospitality. It was one of the most beautiful Pavilions at the 57th Biennale di Venezia.
14.3.2017 - Business Breakfast with Taleh Ziyadov and Leopold Berthold
The ataz Business Breakfast was held on March 14th with Taleh Ziyadov, Director-General of Baku International Sea Trade Port in Azerbaijan, on the topic of "Port of Baku: a Link between East and West, alongside the ancient Silk Road".
After giving an overview with facts and figures on the Port of Baku, Leopold Berthold provided a brief introduction into Liebherrs Port Equipment.
Leopold Berthold is Managing Director of Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH. Taleh Ziyadov is Director-General of Baku International Sea Trade Port.
ataz is delighted to welcome a new member

6.11.2015 - ataz General Assembly
This year’s General Assembly was held on 6th of November at the office of Lansky, Ganzger + partner. ataz president Gerald Gerstbauer informed about recent activities and presented the plans for the next year. An informal get-together with snacks provided the opportunity for networking and concluded the successful event.
16.10.2015 - Business Breakfast with Ronald Frankl

Austria's fiscal and legal framework for international holding companies was the topic of ataz' Business Breakfast with Ronald Frankl.
Mr. Frankl pointed out the specific advantages of different types of companies and presented the bilateral tax agreements between Austria and Azerbaijan.
Ronald Frankl is attorney-at-law, Partner and Head of Corporate, M&A and Capital Markets with LANSKY, GANZGER + partner.
ataz is delighted to welcome a new member

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bob Djavan, MD, PhD new member of ataz' advisory board

Medical support for ataz: We are happy to welcome Dr. Bob Djavan as a new member of the ataz advisory board!
Bob Djavan is Professor of Urology, Director of the Vienna Urology Foundation, Executive Board Member of the European Society of Urooncology (ESOU) and Chairman of the Regional Office of the European Association of Urology (EAU).
22.4.2015 - Business Breakfast with Walter Ruck
It was a special pleasure to welcome so many attendees at ataz’ second Business Breakfast this year, on April 22nd.
After a short welcome speech held by the Azerbaijani Ambassador HE Galib Israfilov our special guest Walter Ruck, President of the Vienna Economic Chamber, pointed out the importance of Vienna as international business location and traditional gateway to the eastern markets, opportunities and risks included alike.
After his presentation and a vivid discussion, the participants took the opportunity for socializing, networking – and having breakfast. Special thanks to ataz’ member Köhler Draskovits Unger for hosting this event!
13.3.2015 - Advisory Board's Kick Off Event
During the last year ataz succeeded in gaining some new high ranking members for its advisory board, which means an important further improvement of ataz' network. On March 13th they were invited to Zillertal in Tyrol for a first meeting and kick off dinner.
The elegant but still cosy atmosphere of Sportresidenz provided the participants with perfect conditions to discuss general issues as well as ataz’ program for 2015/16 and the next delegation to Baku.
Special thanks to Siemens, Generalplan and Morandell for supporting this event!
Picture: (LTR) Günter Dörflinger, Karlheinz Kopf, Martha Schultz, Alfred Gusenbauer, Herbert Scheibner, Gerald Gerstbauer - click to enlarge
13.2.2015 - Business Breakfast with Martha Schultz
This year’s first ataz Business Breakfast was held on February 13th with Martha Schultz, Vice President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, on the topic of “Trends, future opportunities and international cooperation in winter tourism”.
After giving an overview with facts and figures on the development of winter tourism in general Martha Schultz presented WKO’s activities to support projects with international partners and the transfer of know-how. In addition, she provided a brief insight into Schultz Group, one of the biggest players in Austria’s winter tourism.
Martha Schultz is Vice President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Deputy President of EUROCHAMBRES, Managing Director of the Schultz Group and member of ataz’ advisory board.
Javid Gurbanov new member of ataz' advisory board

website relaunch completed!

MP Javid Gurbanov visits Styria

Mr. Gurbanov was warmly welcomed by Karlheinz Kopf, Second President of Austria’s National Council and president of the ataz advisory board, ataz president Gerald Gerstbauer and ataz vice president Günter Dörflinger. The guest from Azerbaijan was accompanied by his wife, Dr. Leyla Gasimova who is also the director of the Austrian Azerbaijani Cultural Center Azculture.
After a tour through the Styrian Landtag guided by Landtagspräsident Franz Majcen, and a tour through the historic city centre of Graz, the day’s proceedings concluded at the cosy winehouse “Winzerhaus Koglberg” in southern Styria.
31.3.-3.4.2014 ataz-delegation visits Baku

On the first evening, ataz-member Generalplan organized a reception with an exhibition of pictures painted by local artists including a breathtaking view over the bay of Baku.
During the next two days the focus was upon official meetings: The delegation was received by President Ilham Aliyev, Javid Gurbanov, MP and head of the Azerbaijan-Austria inter-parliamentary friendship group, several Ministers and Azerbaijani companies. The Austrian Embassy took the opportunity to invite a group of Austrian expats to a get-together and ataz organized a formal dinner at the well-known Art Gallery restaurant.
The last day was dedicated to cultural interests, Baku’s sights and art treasures – beginning with the medieval Maiden Tower and ending with the futuristic Heydar Aliyev Center, designed by star architect Zaha Hadid. The short trip was dominated by political, economic, cultural and personal exchanges and was a further step in bringing the two countries ever-closer together.